Technical data

In order to ensure safe use according to the specifications of the design technician and the client, the companies adhering to the Uso Fiume and Uso Trieste Network, in collaboration with FederlegnoArredo, have developed technical reference standards, which include information on the material, the evaluation and classification parameters, and the characteristic values specifically established for Uso Fiume and Uso Trieste solid wood beams.

The UNI 11035-3 standard "Structural Timber - Visual Strength Grading - Part 3: Timber Uso Fiume And Uso Trieste" specific terminology, methods for the determination of the relevant characteristics and rules for the visual classification of the timber, based  on mechanical strength, for use in load-bearing structures of any size and humidity, derived from the definitions of Uso Fiume and Uso Trieste.

Pursuant to the Technical Building Standards defined by the "Italian Ministerial Decree of 14 January 2008," materials for structural use must be certified with appropriate EU documentation. In view of the NTC provisions referred to in sections 11.1 and 11.7, a timber assortment can be placed on the market through specific certification processes:

  1. the application of a harmonized European standard (EN) in possession of the CE marking according to EU Directive 89/106/EEC
  2. "Construction Products" (CPD)
  3. the application of a national qualification procedure (if falling within the period of coexistence with a Harmonized Standard)
  4. the application of a European Technical Approval (ETA) or, alternatively, a Certificate of Technical Suitability for Use issued by the Central Technical Service based on the Guidelines approved by the Board of Public Works.

The harmonized standard for solid wood beams (UNI EN 14081-1:2006 "Timber structures - Strength Graded Structural Timber With Rectangular Cross Section") is not applicable due to the chamfering tolerance being greater than 1/3 of the cross-section.

The reference document for Uso Fiume and Uso Trieste beams in red spruce, white spruce and larch and European Technical Approval ETA 11/0219:2011.

Only companies belonging to the Uso Fiume and Uso Trieste Network can sell products that are guaranteed and qualified  according to the aforementioned standards. The quality of the lots sold is guaranteed by the CE marking and by the certificates of compliance that companies possess as production facilities.

The product can also be identified by the marking applied on site.

All the referenced documents and standards can be downloaded from the section below:
Technical data

Mechanical strength testing of Uso Fiume beams made of larch wood

Mechanical strength testing of Uso Fiume beams made of larch wood
The project is being conducted in collaboration with the Uso Fiume and Uso Trieste Network of Companies, Cluster Legno & Tecnica of the TIS innovation park in Bolzano, the technical studio lignaconsult in Bolzano, the CNR-IVALSA institute for the promotion of tree
species in San Michele (TN), and the company MICROTEC in Bressanone. The project is co-funded by the Autonomous Province
of Bolzano's Rural Development Programme, in collaboration with the South Tyrol Provincial Forest Management Division.

Duration of the project: 04/2012 - 06/2013

Standards and Certifications

Standards and Certifications
Quality is our goal. It is our goal to ensure a safe and high-performance product through the conscientious work of our collaborators throughout every stage of the production process. The product's structural requirements are closely monitored throughout every production stage, from the sorting of the incoming timber to the completion of the final product.

The results of the research activities carried out in recent years have led to the elaboration of characteristic data included within the UNI 11035-3 standard, as well as a specific European Technical Approval (ETA 11/0219).

The project for the promotion of Uso Fiume and Uso Trieste beams made from spruce wood

The project for the promotion of Uso Fiume and Uso Trieste beams made from spruce wood
The tests were carried out at the CNR-IVALSA institute for the promotion of tree species in San Michele (TN), in collaboration with 10 producers, the technical studio lignaconsult in Bolzano and the company MICROTEC in Bressanone. The project was co-financed by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano (l.p. 4/1997).
Duration of the project: 04/2007 - 12/2010

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